How to save serial monitor output in a text file.

Hi everyone,
Please can someone help me to save serial monitor out put data in a text file. I am getting like below data in serial monitor. i want to save those data in a text file. I am using arduino uno. please someone help me.

742 381 504
742 381 503
742 383 468
747 391 418
742 381 504
742 381 503
742 383 468
747 391 418
747 394 430
750 397 426
754 402 421

please someone help me.

You need someone to copy the text in the window and paste it into a file? The Serial Monitor application does not have the ability to write the data directly to a file, which shouldn't be all that hard to discover.

Thank you PaulS

There are free terminal programs (realterm for instance) that allow logging to a file.

how it do groundfun
from that can i save data to a text file

Running Windoze (and likely Linux) and you want to copy&paste Serial Monitor text,

highlight the text using your mouse and press CTRL-C to copy to clipboard.

To paste, place the cursor where you want it and press CTRL-V to paste from clipboard.

I have a sketch that turns a word list it has into source for a linked table used in another sketch.
It's not beginner friendly though, more of a challenge for experienced programmers to use but it's fast enough to keep up with 250000 baud input.