How to see the display of AMG8833with arduino uno in a laptop

Hi, I'm an Information Technology student and I'm creating a thermal camera device using AMG8833 with Arduino Uno however, I don't know how to see it's display on my laptop instead of using an LCD. I would greatly appreciate your help guys. Thank you in advance

Use Processing.
You can probably even find the code online, saving you that effort too

(BTW it is "its display", not "it's display")


Thank you for your quick response. Apologies, I didn't see that. Please bear with me because it's all new to me. Do you have any references that I can use as a guide?

Never on a first date.

Your original post, and my reply contain some useful Google search terms.

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There are some example programs that print the sensor output as text on the Arduino IDE serial monitor. Save that text, convert into an image file and display it.

This tutorial shows how to use a laptop with an MCP2221 I2C interface, to directly collect and display data from a similar thermal imaging sensor.

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Thank you so much! I'll give it a try, and I'll keep you posted if I'm able to do it haha. Thankyyy

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