How to see which inputs TXD and RXD are plugged in to?

Hello! I am new to this forum so sorry if this is posted in the completely wrong place.

I'm creating an app which sends a byte array to the arduino hc-05 module, but I'm required to specify where the TXD/RXD are plugged into the board (on the Arduino Micro). I have scoured the internet and found nothing regarding this!

Anyone have any useful information? Sorry for the noob question..

The Arduino UNO/Nano board has these pins( 0,1) marked on the PCB. On these boards these are also used by the USB.
Google the schematic of your board if it’s different .

You can use software serial and use other pins for Tx/rx

Yes you are required to specify where the TXD/RXD of the hc-05 module are actually connected to.

Why is that a problem ?

For development with an HC05, I usually recommend using a software serial port (or extra hardware serial port if available) and save the main hardware serial port for program upload, program output and debugging. Once the program is developed and working one can change to the main hardware serial port.

When you create the SoftwareSerial port you specify the pins that you wish to use. Like so, for example:
SoftwareSerial hc05(2, 3); // RX, TX

On this link:

have this information and this drawing:

We will be using Serial Communication to connect Arduino Micro to HC-05 module. 
There are two communication ports available on the Arduino; 
Serial interface is reserved for communication between your computer (Serial Monitor), so, 
we'll use Serial1 interface to communicate between Arduino and HC-05 module. 
The connections are pretty simple:

RX of HC-05 goes to TX of Arduino Micro
TX of HC-05 goes to RX of Arduino Micro
GND of HC-05 goes to GND of Arduino Micro
VCC of HC-05 goes to +5V of Arduino Micro

Great reply!

But what if I’m using the ICSP connectors ? How do I know which inputs to specify?


I think you misunderstood what I meant. Simply meant that it is a requirement which I cannot properly fulfill, since I don't know which numbers to refer to the pins.

These are simply duplicates of the other pins round the edge of the board.
Pick two pins, any two pins, don’t tell me which you have picked. But tell the software.

Oh! Alright, makes sense. Thanks for the help

So, was your question really "what pin numbers do I use for SoftwareSerial when using pins on the ICSP header" ?

The pins on the ICSP header are Vcc, ground, reset, SCK, MOSI and MISO. The last 3 are the SPI pins. See the SPI reference to see to which pins those signals connect. Look for the Connections section.

The hardware serial port on the Arduino Micro is separate from the USB interface and can be used for anything you need.

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What a confusing post.
The OP asks a question but wants to know it's something else...
I only know that I know nothing......

I truly have no idea

So you don't understand the question that you posted ?

Ho hum

Yes I do Bob. Unfortunately not everyone is as eloquent as you. I was trying to ask about something which I have little to no knowledge about, in the most polite way I could think. regards

See post #5 and use Serial1 for communication with the HC-05.

The only 'mistake' in that diagram is that there should be a voltage divider between the Arduin TX and the HC-05 RX. See e.g.

Neither do we.

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