How to select an A frame and a B frame from a CanId

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

My CAN sends two frames A and B:

on the A at the level of bytes 5-6 I have the C02
on the B at the level of bytes 5-6 I have the Hyrogen

I can read my ID with this code but I can't find how to precisely select ID A and ID B :

@remay66, you've dealt with CAN messages before in your other projects! What's different this time?!

Also you've are not newbie! so you should know by now how to start a good thread so that you can get the answer ur after!

don't understand the above - could you upload examples of frames with known data?
upload your code using code tags </>
upload a schematic of the wiring
what Arduino and CAN shield are you using?
what is the target device?
it is a good idea to have a USB-CAN dongle for a PC to help with testing and debugging?

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