How to select maximum values from a data set made of analog inputs

I am reading 5 different photoresistors through the analog inputs on an Arduino Uno, which are set up in a plus sign. I am trying to find which photoresistor picks up the most light. How do I code this task?

Are they connected like this?

Welcome to the forum

How is the data from the sensors held ?
How often do you want to know which is the greatest reading ?
Do you want to know what the reading is or just which sensor is most illuminated ?

Please post your current sketch, using code tags when you do

Not sure what that means?

But to get the max, see this:,of%20a%20and%20b%20respectively.

here's a slightly different approach

const byte PinAnlg [] = { A0, A1, A2, A3, A4 };
const int  Nanlg      = sizeof(PinAnlg);
int        anlgVal [Nanlg];
int        idxMax;
char       s [90];

void loop()
    idxMax = 0;

    for (int n = 0; n < Nanlg; n++) {
        anlgVal [n] = analogRead (PinAnlg [n]);
        if (anlgVal [idxMax] < anlgVal [n])
            idxMax = n;

    sprintf (s, " max idx %d, val %6d", idxMax, anlgVal [idxMax]);
    Serial.println (s);

    delay (1000);

void setup() {
    Serial.begin  (9600);

but why in the shape of a + sign? are you using the device to track a light source? if so, do you want to determine the difference in light intensity between opposite sides of the + sign?

if there a purpose for the center detector? can you just average the 4 other detectors

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