How to send a image back to arduino using ftdi adapter

When using the ftdi adapter and esp32 cam, opening the web browser to access the image the camera has captured, however when I have opened that browser, how can I send back to arduino that an image has been detected such as a face? or an object?

The code is working completely fine and there are no program errors it is just on how send something back to arduino for it to recognise that an image has been detected.

Why do you have to have a browser open?
Why not simply raise a logic condition on one of the ESP-CAM pins?

When using the esp32 cam with the ftdi adapter it gives you a link which you paste in a browser so that it works

Which Arduino are you running the browser on?

Its not run by arduino board, its run by the ftdi adapter but using ARDUINO IDE

So, if the detection is done by the esp32-cam, not a browser, why not get the esp32-cam to raise the condition?
The browser is irrelevant, isn't it?

no the program is run on esp32 just the browser is to check what the camera is capturing

So, again, the browser is irrelevant

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