How to send all types of data variables from firebase to nodeMCU(esp8266 12E) to arduino UNO using Serial Communication?

I am using get() function of firebase to fatch data and i am able to print on serial monitor of NodeMCU but unable to get that received multiple data on arduino UNO through Serial communication.

kindly Share examples fats.

Thank You in advance!!

please clarify what you mean.

Transmitting "all types of data" between dissimilar systems is a difficult problem. There have been all sorts of things implemented, and there have been many implementations (usually pretty large and complex.) XML, JSON, ASN.1, XDR...
For small (and not TOO dissimilar) systems like the Arduino family, it's usually sufficient to design something yourself for the specific types of data that you really need to exchange.

I want to send multiple float values and multiple integer values from Arduino to nodeMCU and vice versa and want to receive and store separately ,without crashing my esp8266 and without any data loss

Is there any solution?

I am doing the opposite, taking the data from Arduino and sending it to firebase. I'll leave you my repository here where you can see: GitHub - salvi4/gHost: gHost is a project to interface Arduino with Firebase using an ESP8266-01 module.

I would suggest to study Serial Input Basics to handle this. If performance is not a blocker, consider sending in ASCII so that you don’t have to deal with different int size possibly (an int in uno is 2 byte versus 4 bytes on the ESP).

Otherwise you could put everything in a structure using fixed size types like int32_t. Float will be fine (4 bytes on both platforms) but double would not (4 bytes versus 8). Some binary protocol will be needed to ensure you can sync and validate the content (start frame, check sum,…)

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helped me able to send and receive data but the data which I was getting was slow so I change the version of firebaseesp8266 client lib now working perfect!

great - have fun !

(would help possibly a future reader if you were to mention which version of firebaseesp8266 client lib was more effective)

version 4.0

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