how to send message multiples times rather than once

This is probably a very easy fix, but in my code I have messages sending to a can bus. I also have a menu system set up but when I chose a particular option, the message will only send once. I wanted to be able to specify how many times it sends.

Here is the section of code.

void loop()


This will send once. What can I change here to send it multiple times ?


for(byte x=0;  x < numberOfTimes; x++)

//send message



I was going to suggest sending '1' as many times as you want to send the message. 8)

But, a for loop is working smarter, not harder.

That's what I was doing, but it wasn't very practical for what I was doing.

Thanks for the help!

That's what I was doing, but it wasn't very practical for what I was doing.

Well you didn't show your whole sketch did you?

Well you didn't show your whole sketch did you?

Sorry, my reply was to the other poster that suggested sending "1" multiple times.

Your solution of the for loop worked very well, thank you, much appreciated!