How to send sms

Hello everyone. This is my first arduino project. I have tried all the ways but none of them work. I have even tried the code given in example for sending a sms using gsm module. The version of my module is M590. Mostcommon error is mySerial was not declared in this scope. Thank you for your help.


Posting your code and a wiring diagram/picture would be very useful. When you post your code make sure to use code tags so that it is easy for everyone to read.


  • this is a programme written for geting a persons location using gprs.
    //initialize the pin on arduino on which the gprs will be connected for transmission and recieving
    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
    #define PINNUMBER "";
    int trans = 10;
    int reciev = 11;
    // setup the programme to begin when the button is pressed
    void setup() {
    Serial.begin(9600);//This opens up communications to the Serial monitor in the Arduino IDE
    void loop()
    void SendTextMessage();
    mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //to print number in text mode
    delay(1000); //in miliseconds
    mySerial.println("AT+CMGS="+919717889680"\r"); //for the number to which the message has to be sent
    delay(1000); //in miliseconds
    mySerial.println("The current location is:"); //the message to be sent
    delay(1000); //the delay in miliseconds

This is the code that I have written.

Yip - that blue wire is loose & line 54 of your code is wrong.

what blue wire are you talking about ?

what blue wire are you talking about ?

That was humor because you ask a question totally without giving us context to answer.

Please fix your previous post and add the [ code ] tag around the code so that it's easier to read.also press CTRL-T in the IDE before copying the code so that is indented properly.

To your pb:

Why are you kinda trying to declare the SendTextMessage in the middle of the loop? And probably added a semicolumn at the end because the compiler was complaining?? Does this make sense to you?

void SendTextMessage();
    mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1");                //to print number in text mode
    delay(1000);                                     //in miliseconds
    mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+919717889680\"\r");  //for the number to which the message has to be sent
    delay(1000);                                       //in miliseconds
    mySerial.println("The current location is:");       //the message to be sent
    delay(1000);                                         //the delay in miliseconds

Besides Your problem is that you are using a myserial variable that has never been declared. You did not copy very well the example most likely...