how to send text to ESP8266 over wifi by using the IP address
Hello mgsay41
Take a view into the IDE. There you will find alot of examples.
Lots of advice here: Link to a very basic tutorial about TCP (evolved to: TCP-socket democode to send / receive data / characters similar to serial
Something like:
ESP8266 Sending Data Over Wi-Fi to another ESP8266 β Robot Zero One
Way more:
150+ ESP8266 NodeMCU Projects, Tutorials and Guides with Arduino IDEβ | Random Nerd Tutorials
what is the text comming from? e.g. another ESP8266, a local PC, a smartphone, a remote cloud based system, etc etc
its a mobile app or a website
how often is the text sent? could you send an email?
is the sender a person, e.g. could type text into a web based form, or a program running on a remote system
That RobotZeroOne article is a keeper (bookmarking that).
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