How to send two parameters

char id = 'usa008mn';
int x = digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN);
client.print(id + '/' + x);

bust output as below:
I want the format "usa008mn/1"



This is just a snippet of my full answer

char id = 'usa008mn'; eight into one don't go.

Please remember to use code tags when posting code

char id = 'usa008mn';
    int x = digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN);
    client.print(id + '/' + x);

What does your calculator show when you try to add those three values?

pls see attach :157

i want to how to solve my question? thanks a lot.

You're adding three two ASCII character values and a single digit value together and getting a perfectly valid result.

I don't see the problem

Instead of this

client.print(id + '/' + x);

do this



... but make sure "id" is what you think it is.