how to separate the sensor values sent by HC_05.

Please anyone Help!!
how to separate these sensor values sent by HC_05 and store then in separate variable.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(10,11); // RX, TX

void setup() {
while (!Serial) {

void loop()
{ char character;
while (mySerial.available())


Serial Input Basics

I want to store the readings in three variables x,y,z please help I shall be very thankful to you.
the output in serial monitor is like 11,451,0.8765,0.6871,0.8989. the last three values are three coordinates

I want to store the readings in three variables

Well, you have our permission to do that.

the output in serial monitor is like 11,451,0.8765,0.6871,0.8989.

What was that you said? I seem to have forgotten already.

You currently do ABSOLUTELY nothing with the data you read expect print it out again. If you don't record the data, you can't parse the data.

The link you were given does more than show how to read and print the data. You are expected to read, understand, and try to adopt the techniques shown. If there is something you don't understand, or your attempt to adopt the techniques does not produce the desired result, feel free to talk about what you don't understand, or what you did and what the results were.

You are NOT free to keep whining about what you want to do, when what you really mean is that you want someone else to do it for you at no charge.