Hi folks,
I'm working on 5TE, a decagon soil water content sensor, using SDIserial.h in I2C protocol. Attachment is the sketch of one 5TE in arduino uno. I didn't set the address for it, which works well. You can check the result showed in the picture. Now I want to connect 2 sensors to arduino. Could you check the sketch and tell me how to set it? the library of SDIserial.h is also attached.
#include <SDISerial.h>
String VWC; //volumetric water content
String EC; // electrical conductivity
String TEMP; // temperature
char X='+';
char *FTEvalue=new char[20];
I used a few devices with no problem using a MEGA 2560 as well as an UNO.
Sketch was built with Arduino 1.0.4, however I also tested it under 1.0.0
Place the SDISerial folder in "<ARDUINO_ROOT>/libraries"
with the 5TE
the WHITE wire is power.
- I hooked it up to the arduino 5v output pin, however you could also connect it to a pin and drive power only when you wanted it
the RED wire is the DATA_LINE.
- you must hook it up to a pin that can process interrupts (see link below)
the remaining wire must be connected to ground
//in order to recieve data you must choose a pin that supports interupts
#define DATALINE_PIN 5
#define INVERTED 1
//see: http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/attachInterrupt
//for pins that support interupts (2 or 3 typically)
SDISerial sdi_serial_connection(DATALINE_PIN, INVERTED);
char* get_measurement(){
char* service_request = sdi_serial_connection.sdi_query("?M!",150);
//you can use the time returned above to wait for the service_request_complete
char* service_request_complete = sdi_serial_connection.wait_for_response(150);
//dont worry about waiting too long it will return once it gets a response
return sdi_serial_connection.sdi_query("?D0!",150);
void setup(){
sdi_serial_connection.begin(); // start our SDI connection
Serial.begin(9600); // start our uart
Serial.println("OK INITIALIZED"); // startup string echo'd to our uart
Serial.println("VWCvalue EC TEMP");
delay(3000); // startup delay to allow sensor to powerup and output its DDI serial string
void loop(){
char* response = get_measurement(); // get measurement data
String FTE=response;
char tmp1='+';
int tmp2=FTE.indexOf(tmp1);
char* response = get_measurement(); // get measurement data
int FTElength=FTE.length();
int plustest=FTEvalue[5];
if (plustest=43)
VWC= String(FTEvalue[2])+String(FTEvalue[3])+String(FTEvalue[4]);
EC= String(FTEvalue[6])+String(FTEvalue[7])+String(FTEvalue[8])+String(FTEvalue[9]);
TEMP= String(FTEvalue[11])+String(FTEvalue[12])+String(FTEvalue[13])+String(FTEvalue[14]);
VWC= String(FTEvalue[2])+String(FTEvalue[3])+String(FTEvalue[4])+String(FTEvalue[5]);
EC= String(FTEvalue[7])+String(FTEvalue[8])+String(FTEvalue[9])+String(FTEvalue[10]);
TEMP= String(FTEvalue[12])+String(FTEvalue[13])+String(FTEvalue[14])+String(FTEvalue[15]);
float VWCvalue=VWC.toInt()/100;
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
SDISerial.rar (459 KB)