Hi there,
I'm using an ATtiny84 to blink two LEDs depending on a condition. Sometimes, it blinks only one LED, and the other blinks both. However, the code below sequentially lights up the LEDs. I know it's still fast for the human eye, but I wonder if anyone knows how I could set bits 4 and 5 of the PORTA register without changing the rest of the bits in the register.
#define OUT_L 4
#define OUT_R 5
bool bBit = 1;
void setup() {
pinMode(OUT_R, OUTPUT);
pinMode(OUT_L, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(OUT_R, LOW);
digitalWrite(OUT_L, LOW);
void loop() {
if (bBit){
// digitalWrite(OUT_L, 1);
// digitalWrite(OUT_R, 1);
PORTA &=~(1<<(OUT_L));
PORTA &=~(1<<(OUT_R));
// digitalWrite(OUT_L, 0);
// digitalWrite(OUT_R, 0);
PORTA |=(1<<(OUT_L));
PORTA |=(1<<(OUT_R));
bBit = !bBit;