How to set up Itead HC-06 to Arduino

Help pls. I'm beginner on Arduino. So anyone successfully set up the Itead HC-06 to Arduino UNO works perfectly??
I have no idea how... All tutorial are teaching on another type of HC-06, so I don't know how to make it work, I've follow the tutorial on :

however, it doesn't respond anything when I send the text via BT, so I am wonder is it because of the slight different on the model or my BT problem? I realized when I send TEXT , the LED got blink. I did change the V to 3.3V still same

Operationally, one HC-06 is the same as another, but a picture of your module might be helpful.

You might find the following background notes useful

Is your module visible in the BT device list of your computer? If not, something's wrong with your module connection (power...).

Sounds like it's working, by the blink when something is sent. Please connect the BT module's TX and RX together and you should see whatever you send out sent back to you. This should confirm you have a good 2-way communication with the BT module.

Next, you should tell us what you are doing with your arduino. Any code, connection? Photo?

my version of HC-06 (Itead Studio):

model used on all the tutorial (i think so):

However they are both HC-06. The only one different that I know is mine HC-06 support 3.3V but theirs HC-06 used 5V. At first I was connect my BT to 5V, and changed it after I realesed.

BT --> Arduino
G --> GND
V --> 3.3V
GO --> D10
GI --> D11

my setup:

the code that I try from tutorial:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial BT(10, 11); 
// creates a "virtual" serial port/UART
// connect BT module TX to D10
// connect BT module RX to D11
// connect BT Vcc to 5V, GND to GND
void setup()  
  // set digital pin to control as an output
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
  // Send test message to other device
  BT.println("Hello from Arduino");
char a; // stores incoming character from other device

void loop() 
  if (BT.available())
  // if text arrived in from BT serial...
    if (a=='1')
      digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
      BT.println("LED on");
    if (a=='2')
      digitalWrite(13, LOW);
      BT.println("LED off");
    if (a=='?')
      BT.println("Send '1' to turn LED on");
      BT.println("Send '2' to turn LED on");
    // you can add more "if" statements with other characters to add more commands

After upload to the board, according to the tutorial, I downloaded "Bluetooth terminal" on Android Phone, connect to the HC-06 bluetooth device.
*Everything works fine here. I can connect it.
But when I connected, supposedly I should receive "Hello from Arduino". But nothing I received.
And whatever text I send included '1' or '2', nothing was responded.

*Sorry my mistake it does not blink actually, I don't remember how I made it cos I keep trying and modifying

I've modified it even simpler,

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial BT(10, 11); 
// creates a "virtual" serial port/UART
// connect BT module TX to D10
// connect BT module RX to D11
// connect BT Vcc to 5V, GND to GND
void setup()  
  // set digital pin to control as an output
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
  // Send test message to other device
  BT.println("Hello from Arduino");
//char a; // stores incoming character from other device
void loop() 
  BT.println("LED TESTING");
  Serial.println("LED TESTING");

Nothing println on phone BT terminal, only arduino serial monitor printing lines

all resource out there keep showing me

Connect D0 port of electronic brick of serial port Bluetooth to D0 port of Arduino board, D1 port to D1 port of Arduino board, and we will use the following program to keep sending character string of HELLO and have them displayed via Bluetooth serial port software of cellphone.

void setup() {                
 void loop() {
 Serial.println("HELLO");	//Send the "HELLO" character string to HC-06
 delay(1000);               // wait for a second

This really confused me. What is this? How? If I change D10/D11 to D0/D1, the arduino upload failed with error "avrdude stk500_getsync()"

Also can I simply change D10/D11 to any other number on my own? would caused any fatality? XD sorry I'm really new in arduino

Disconnect the module from D0/D1 while loading a sketch. Afterwards connect it again, and use it as Serial. You may have to press the Reset button after connecting the module.

You also can use SoftwareSerial or AltSoftSerial to create another serial port in software, to which you can connect the module.

Direct connection of 3.3V devices to the 5V Arduino can cause problems, due to the different logic signal levels. My HC-06 module works this way, others may fail.

As I said, do a loop-back check, disconnect DO and DI from arduino and connect them together. Open app and send things. See if you receive them back. Did you read my post?

However they are both HC-06. The only one different that I know is mine HC-06 support 3.3V but theirs HC-06 used 5V. At first I was connect my BT to 5V, and changed it after I realesed.

BT --> Arduino
G --> GND
V --> 3.3V
GO --> D10
GI --> D11

This could possibly be the real problem - you have stuffed the module by feeding it 5v. Note also that you are also feeding it 5v signal to GI. It is good practice to use a 1k/2k voltage divider on Arduino Tx.

*Everything works fine here. I can connect it.
But when I connected, supposedly I should receive "Hello from Arduino". But nothing I received.
And whatever text I send included '1' or '2', nothing was responded.

This doesn't make sense. It either works fine or it doesn't, and how do you know you are cionnected anyway? Further, connecting does not necessarily ensure you will receive a "Hello from Arduino". You will only get that after you power up Arduino, or press the reset button.

*Sorry my mistake it does not blink actually

Which perhaps confirms the first point above.

There is comment about the LEDs in the notes I alluded to.