I have troubble compiling a program I have been provided that is necessary for a digital design course at uni. (That being said; I am a beginner.)
When compiling the code that is provided I encounter an error that I am not able to wrap my head around.
I get the following error message: "stray '#' in program", regarding a hexcode for for color values (if I have understood correctly).
Regarding this issue, it is excessive for me to understand all of the code fully. However, it is obviously necessary to understand why i get the error. As I mentioned, it is not me who has written the code that is provided. No, changes is supposed to be made to implement the code (I suppose).
Can somebody help me the understand the issue? That would be of much help!
Provided code below. All that I want is to compile and upload to microcontroller (Arduino UNO).
import processing.serial.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
Serial p;
//uncomment the line where your arduino/STM32 is connected
//String LA_port = "/dev/ttyACM0"; //linux DFU
//String LA_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; //linux Serial
String LA_port = "COM5"; //windows
final int baudrate = 115200; //check if it is the same in arduino
//change it to true if you are using a STM32 instead of arduino UNO, MEGA or ESP8266
final boolean STM32 = false;
/*------------------END SETUP-----------------*/
int white = 255;
int black = 0;
int green = #00FF00;
int grey = 150;
// shift, reducer and millisecond view
float reducer = 1.0;
boolean milliseconds = false;
float xShift;
// start point in the processing window
int xEdge = 60;
int yEdge = 30;
int xEnd;
float[] xPos = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int yBottom;
int yDiff;
int yPos = yEdge;
int ySave = yEdge;
boolean textCovered;
boolean drawTimes = true;
//Serial from mcu
//initial data
int samples;
int event;
int initialState;
boolean first = false;
boolean dataComplete = false;
//following data
boolean [][] state;
boolean [] isLow = new boolean[6];
float[] usTime;
float[] xTime;
int[] pinChanged;
//buttons and others
int button1X = 8;
int button2X = 8;
int button3X = 80;
int button4X = 200;
int button5X = 270;
int buttonY;
int buttonH = 20;
int smallButtonW = 50;
int bigButtonW = 100;
int graphBoxH;
int textBoxH;
int immage = 1;
int corner = 10;
// bar scroll
int handleFill = grey;
float handleX;
float handleY;
float handleW = 20;
float handleH = 15;
boolean isDraggable = false;
void setup () {
//p = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);
p = new Serial(this, LA_port, baudrate);
size(1000, 460);
graphBoxH = height -50;
textBoxH = height - 35;
yBottom = graphBoxH-20;
buttonY = textBoxH +8;
handleX = xEdge;
handleY = graphBoxH;
void cleanGraph() {
noStroke(); //no borders
rect(xEdge, 0, width, graphBoxH); //cancel the graph
stroke(green); //green lines
Arrays.fill(xPos, 0); //reset start point of the graph
textCovered = false;
void draw () {
if (dataComplete==true) {
pushMatrix(); //move the coordinate reference
translate(xEdge, 0);
for (int i=0; i<samples; i++) {
yPos = yEdge; //start a new cicle
for (int n=0; n<6; n++) {
if (state[i][n]==true) {
ySave = yPos; //save y value
if (isLow[n]==true) { //pin high else low
} else {
// Text times
if (drawTimes == true) {
dashline(xTime[i]+xShift, yPos, xTime[i]+xShift, yBottom, spacing);
text(round(usTime[i]), xTime[i]+xShift+2, (textCovered==true) ? yBottom : yBottom+10); //write on different height
// Graph lines
line(xPos[n]+xShift, yPos, xTime[i]+xShift, yPos); // straight line
line(xTime[i]+xShift, yPos, xTime[i]+xShift, yDiff); // vertical line
xPos[n]=xTime[i]; //save last position of the line for the pin
yPos = ySave; //load the initial value of the y
yPos+=60; //go to the next pin
if (samples!=0) {
xEnd = int (xTime[samples-1]) +10;
} else {
xEnd = 0;
yPos = yEdge;
for (int n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
if (xPos[n]!=0) { //draw only the pin which are active
if (isLow[n]==true) line(xPos[n]+xShift, yPos+30, xEnd+xShift, yPos+30);
else line(xPos[n]+xShift, yPos, xEnd+xShift, yPos);
dataComplete = false;
void drawText() {
stroke(white); //white borders
rect(0, 0, xEdge, graphBoxH); //clean left side
rect(xEdge, graphBoxH, width, handleH); //clean bar scroll
rect(0, textBoxH, width, height); //clean bottom side
// write name of the pins
int x=10;
int y=50;
if (STM32) {
for (byte i = 12; i<=15; i++) {
line(x, y-20, xEdge, y-20);
line(x, y+10, xEdge, y+10);
text ("PB"+i, x, y);
} else {
for (byte i = 8; i<=13; i++) {
line(x, y-20, xEdge, y-20);
line(x, y+10, xEdge, y+10);
text ("Pin "+i, x, y);
// draw buttons
rect(button1X, yBottom-15, smallButtonW, buttonH, corner);
rect(button2X, buttonY, smallButtonW, buttonH, corner);
rect(button3X, buttonY, bigButtonW, buttonH, corner);
rect(button4X, buttonY, smallButtonW, buttonH, corner);
rect(button5X, buttonY, smallButtonW, buttonH, corner);
text("T:"+ str (drawTimes), button1X+3, yBottom);
text("Start", button2X+3, buttonY+14);
text(milliseconds == true ? "milliseconds" : "microseconds", button3X+3, buttonY+14);
text(reducer, button4X+3, buttonY+14);
text("Save", button5X+3, buttonY+14);
//bar scroll
rect(handleX, handleY, handleW, handleH);
if (isDraggable) {
handleX = mouseX-(handleW/2);
if (handleX<xEdge) handleX = xEdge;
if (handleX>width-handleW) handleX = width-handleW;
xShift = -map(handleX, xEdge, width-handleW, 0, xEnd-900);
void mousePressed() {
if (mouseX>handleX && mouseX<handleX+handleW &&
mouseY>handleY && mouseY<handleY+handleH) {
isDraggable = true;
handleFill = color(100, 200, 255);
void mouseReleased() {
isDraggable = false;
handleFill = grey;
void mouseClicked() {
// draw times
if (mouseY>yBottom-15 && mouseY <yBottom-15+buttonH &&
mouseX>button1X && mouseX <button1X+smallButtonW) {
drawTimes = !drawTimes;
// new read
if (mouseY>buttonY && mouseY <buttonY+buttonH &&
mouseX>button2X && mouseX <button2X+smallButtonW) {
println("new data coming");
xShift = 0;
handleX = xEdge;
// micro or millis
if (mouseY>buttonY && mouseY <buttonY+buttonH &&
mouseX>button3X && mouseX <button3X+bigButtonW) {
milliseconds = !milliseconds;
if (milliseconds == true) {
for (int i=0; i< samples; i++) usTime[i] /= 1000.0;
if (milliseconds== false) {
for (int i=0; i< samples; i++) usTime[i] *= 1000.0;
xShift = 0;
handleX = xEdge;
//save frame
if (mouseY>buttonY && mouseY <buttonY+buttonH &&
mouseX>button5X && mouseX <button5X+smallButtonW) {
String a = "la_capture-"+immage; //+".jpg"; //if you prefer this format, default .tif
void mouseWheel(MouseEvent event) {
float wheel = event.getCount();
if (mouseY>buttonY && mouseY <buttonY+buttonH &&
mouseX>button4X && mouseX <button4X+smallButtonW) {
//it is over the reducer button
xShift *= reducer;
reducer-= wheel/10;
reducer = constrain(reducer, 0.1, 9.9);
xShift /= reducer; // preserve scroll position
} else { //move the graph
void mouseMoved() {
if (mouseY>buttonY && mouseY <buttonY+buttonH && mouseX>button2X && mouseX <button2X+smallButtonW) {
} else if (mouseY>buttonY && mouseY <buttonY+buttonH && mouseX>button3X && mouseX <button3X+bigButtonW) {
} else if (mouseY>buttonY && mouseY <buttonY+buttonH && mouseX>button5X && mouseX <button5X+smallButtonW) {
} else if (mouseY>yBottom-15 && mouseY <yBottom-15+buttonH && mouseX>button1X && mouseX <button1X+smallButtonW) {
} else if (mouseX>handleX && mouseX<handleX+handleW && mouseY>handleY && mouseY<handleY+handleH) {
} else {
void serialEvent (Serial p) {
String inString = p.readStringUntil('\n');
inString = trim(inString);
println("incoming: "+inString);
if (inString.equals("S") == true) {
first = true;
} else {
String list [] = split(inString, ':');
if (first == true) {
initialState = int (list[0]);
samples = int (list[1]);
pinChanged = new int[samples];
usTime = new float[samples];
xTime = new float[samples];
state = new boolean[samples][6];
first = false;
} else {
pinChanged[event] = int (list[0]);
usTime[event] = float (list[1]);
if (event == samples) {
void getData () {
//check data:
println("event: "+event);
println("initial: "+initialState);
println("samples: "+samples);
//println("pin: "+binary(changed[0], 6));
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
xTime[i] = usTime[i] / reducer; //better to reduce the lenght of the x
int b;
int mask = 1;
// initial state
for (int n=0; n<6; n++) {
b = initialState & mask;
isLow[n] = !boolean (b);
mask <<= 1;
//println("islow: "+isLow[n]);
// changes
for (int i=0; i<samples; i++) {
mask = 1;
//println(binary(changed[i], 6));
for (int n=0; n<6; n++) {
b= pinChanged[i] & mask;
state[i][n]= boolean (b);
mask <<= 1;
dataComplete = true;
float[] spacing = {5, 8}; //used for the dashline function, pixels
void dashline(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float[] spacing) {
float distance = dist(x0, y0, x1, y1);
float [ ] xSpacing = new float[spacing.length];
float [ ] ySpacing = new float[spacing.length];
float drawn = 0.0; // amount of distance drawn
if (distance > 0)
int i;
boolean drawLine = true; // alternate between dashes and gaps
Figure out x and y distances for each of the spacing values
I decided to trade memory for time; I'd rather allocate
a few dozen bytes than have to do a calculation every time
I draw.
for (i = 0; i < spacing.length; i++)
xSpacing[i] = lerp(0, (x1 - x0), spacing[i] / distance);
ySpacing[i] = lerp(0, (y1 - y0), spacing[i] / distance);
i = 0;
while (drawn < distance)
if (drawLine)
line(x0, y0, x0 + xSpacing[i], y0 + ySpacing[i]);
x0 += xSpacing[i];
y0 += ySpacing[i];
/* Add distance "drawn" by this line or gap */
drawn = drawn + mag(xSpacing[i], ySpacing[i]);
i = (i + 1) % spacing.length; // cycle through array
drawLine = !drawLine; // switch between dash and gap