Dear friends,
working on RFID module MFRC522, and written an application to drive a DC motor as follow
if(mfrc522.uid.uidByte[0] == 114){ //"114" is the first part of the 5 sets of digits from the card
Serial.println("hey Lalit!");
digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH); //turns on green "access granted" LED
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
In the above code, when my RFID Card having a value 114 gets read by the Reader then "hey Lalit" message get printed on Serial monitor screen and ledPin1 (which is pin number 3 on arduino board with Red LED) gets HIGH for 1 second, code is OK and working fine.
OK ..... now I want a Green LED on pin number 4, lets denote it as ledPin2 and code should work as follow
- Reader reads card first time, Red LED becomes high for 1 second.
- Reader reads same card second time, now Green Led should high for 1 second.
- Reader reads same card third time, now again Red LED should high for 1 second.
.and same cycle should continue till Reader read the same card.
thanks, any help will be highly appreciated.