Hi, I am trying to make a mood lamp with an attiny 45. I want the led to flash, then when I press a button, the intensity goes up and down as in a sine wave, then when the button is pressed again, it goes back to flashing.
This is my code:
After I press the button, the led goes from flashing to sine-wave brightness. But when I press it again, nothing happens. Can anybody please tell me how to make it go back to loop()? Thanks a lot!
I wouldn't have the ISR call sinex(). Have the ISR just toggle a boolean variable, and use that variable in loop() to call either sinex() or flash(). Also rewrite flash() to work without delay().
Actually my first thought would not be to use interrupts.
I see. I thought it would be easier to write the program with the interrupts. Should I stop using interrupts?
It can be done with or without. Should be an educational experience either way. Maybe try it both ways, with and without interrupts then decide which is easier or preferable
You may already be aware, but the other thing to consider, regardless of how the code is written, is that switches bounce. The code will need to allow for this.
Finally, a low-level interrupt will trigger continuously as long as the pin is held low, so also consider that the typical human pushing a button is likely to generate hundreds or thousands of interrupts. I might try an edge-triggered interrupt.
I changed the code, without the interrupts. When I press the button, it goes from flash() to sinex(), but when I press the button again, it doesn't jump back to flash() Why is this?
I changed the code, without the interrupts. When I press the button, it goes from flash() to sinex(), but when I press the button again, it doesn't jump back to flash() Why is this?
How long do you think the sinex() function takes to execute once? While it's running, the code in loop() can't monitor the button. On the other hand, the flash() function is very fast. It quickly determines if it needs to do something or not, then returns.
You're welcome, and nice job! I would have a look at radians vs. degrees as Paul pointed out.
I might also do some additional thinking about sinex(). It's incrementing in very tiny steps (0.00001) but then the end result gets mapped to a number 0-255. So most of the time the value it uses for analogWrite() is not going to change from one call to the next -- it's burning a lot of cycles that could be used elsewhere. If it works to your satisfaction and there are no additional processing requirements, then there's no harm in leaving it as is, but I'm just saying that it could take larger steps and still make smooth enough transitions. I might look at making it time-based like flash(), i.e. only do the calculation every 100ms or whatever makes for smooth fading. As it is, the speed at which the fade happens is dependent on how many cycles don't get used elsewhere.