How to stop and listen for button press in Setup

Hello I'm new to Arduino and i was wondering how to listen for button press in Setup and after button press start loop. Can anyone help me ???

Is there any reason you can't wait for the button press in the main loop?

Yeah Because i am going to put Arduino on a model rocket so i will have to make my rocket to start a countdown a single time and then ignite engine and in the loop there is a sensors that monitor all data

Is there any reason you can't wait for the button press in the main loop?

Is there any reason you can't wait for the button press in the main loop?

Yeah Because i am going to put Arduino on a model rocket so i will have to make my rocket to start a countdown a single time and then ignite engine and in the loop there is a sensors that monitor all data

I'll just leave this here for you to consider.

const int pinButton = 9;
const int pinFireEngine = 10;

#define WAIT_FOR_BUTTON     0
#define COUNTDOWN           1
#define LAUNCH              2
#define READ_SENSORS        3
#define LANDING             4

void setup() 
    pinMode( pinButton, INPUT_PULLUP );
    digitalWrite( pinFireEngine, LOW );
    pinMode( pinFireEngine, OUTPUT );

void loop() 

void LaunchSequence( void )
    static byte
        stateLaunch = WAIT_FOR_BUTTON;
    static int
    static unsigned long
    unsigned long
    switch( stateLaunch )
        case    WAIT_FOR_BUTTON:
            if( digitalRead(pinButton) == LOW )
                timeCountdown = millis();
                nCount = 10;
                stateLaunch = COUNTDOWN;
        case    COUNTDOWN:
            //if you want to transmit a 10-9-8...
            //countdown, this is okay
            //you could also simply set timCountdown
            //to 10000 and wait for that to elapse
            timeNow = millis();
            if( (timeNow - timeCountdown) >= 1000 )
                timeCountdown = timeNow;
                if( nCount == 0 )
                    stateLaunch = LAUNCH;

        case    LAUNCH:
            //start the engine and launch
            digitalWrite( pinFireEngine, HIGH );
            stateLaunch = READ_SENSORS;
        case    READ_SENSORS:
            //read and log (or whatever) your sensors
            if( done sensing )
                stateLaunch = LANDING;

        case    LANDING:
            //do nothing. Flight is over

Thanks everyone :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

This simple code in setup() will do what you want (if I understand the requirement)

while( digitalRead( startButtonPin ) == HIGH ) { // assumes it will be LOW when pressed


This simple code in setup() will do what you want (if I understand the requirement)

while( digitalRead( startButtonPin ) == HIGH ) { // assumes it will be LOW when pressed


