How to store a File in Code memory

I want to store a file which is of type ".html" to display the contents in web page.

So how do I say to compiler including an external file in to the code memory for displaying it, how ever currently I am using file system to store a file by doing FTP.

When I was using Dynamic c, it had a method to include external files in to the Source code.

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Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is not for advice on (nor for problems with) your project.

Which arduino do you have?

Something like

const char myHTML [] PROGMEM {"
#include "myHTML.html"
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Nice, it works like this:

const char buttonCss[] = {
#include "button.css"

But in the CSS file I have to use the raw literal, which uglyfies the file a bit:

/* dedicated button.css file, yeah! */
body {
    text-align: center;

So, there would be 2 questions:

  1. How do I include the file so that it can be a "real" css file, without the C++'s raw string literal wrapping?
  2. How do I include it with PSTR() / F() macro (PROGMEM is only for global/static vars, cannot be used inside code blocks).

That won't work. You can't put a "#include" preprocessor statement inside a string.

I think the best solution is to change the "myHTML.html" file to "myHTML.cpp" and edit it to have:
const char myHTML [] PROGMEM {R"uniquetag(
at the top and
at the bottom. That makes it a 'Raw' string and it can contain any sequence of characters except ")uniquetag".

In your sketch, declare it with:
extern char myHTML[];
If you use an Arduino that supports PROGMEM, be sure to treat it as a PROGMEM address.

Actually, it kinda works. Check out my comment above.

@bharadwajtke I have once again moved your topic back to the appropriate forum category. Please don't move it again.

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Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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