How to store accelerometer data to SD card and send over Wi-Fi?


I have ADXL355 accelerometer connected to ESP32 and it's working fine.

I want to measure accelerometer data for an hour and continuously store the data to SD card. With 500Hz measurement frequency this is good size of data but fits easily to SD card.

How can I send that data file with ESP32 over Wi-Fi and at the same time continue the measurement? The idea is to send collected data once in an hour and keep measuring continuously. Do I need an other processor (like ATSAMD21) to handle ADXL355? Maybe using FIFO in ADXL355 would help? FIFO has a 96 locations to store 32 X-/Y-/Z-readings, so using that would give 1/500Hz x 32 = 64ms time to use SD card between measurements.


…or buffer the readings in RAM, and write to SD every n samples to reduce the write blocking.

Or add FRAM and write to it immediately.

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