my task is count no of passengers inside a bus and display it into a webpage.i got output from from pir sensor.but i am unable to store that output into database.i connect arduino with pc via there any way to store data into database without ethernet shield?
Bluetooth shield?
Radio Transmitter?
GSM Module?
Apparently, the database isn't in the mobile device and you have to get the data to the database via some Transmission method. Ethernet would have been one way but being innovative you should be able to come up with multiple alternatives.
Take a look at the ESP8266, it is a SOC with WiFi, that can be programmed using the Arduino IDE. It can take the input from the PIR, compose a webpage, act as a WiFi access point, and run a HTTP Server to serve the webpage at the same time, you could even store your data on the built-in flash storage using SPIFFS. No need for a database. (Although you could probably let it talk to a MySQL server running on your computer, for example.)
They sell for around $3-4 on Ebay, I use the ESP-07 (with adapter board), since it has a lot of I/O, for your application, even an ESP-01 would be sufficient.
Also note that they run @3.3V, and draw quite a lot of current, so you'll need a decent voltage regulator as well.
They don't have a USB connection, but you could easily hook it up to an Arduino, and use its connection to upload sketches.
.but i am unable to store that output into database.i connect arduino with pc via cable
This is confusing.
It sounds like you are content to use the cable connection. If so all you need to do is write a program for the PC to receive the data and store it in the database. This Python - Arduino demo may give you a starting point.