Hi I'm trying to make an automatic dosing system for my reef aquarium, i'm gonna use syringes with valves and servos.

Right now I have to do it manually (which is not a big problem but dosing smaller amounts more often is more beneficial for my corals)
I need 4 servos to sweep only limited number of times after being restarted.
I must be able to change the number of sweeps from time to time. (It can be via usb and change in code)
I am gonna use timer switch socket to restart the thing. (I don't want this to be alive all the time - if something goes wrong, and it would dose whole bottles of solutions it could kill my corals)
I am new to arduino, and I don't understand too much programing.
Can someone please send me programming code for this and highlight the values for individual servo to set the number of sweeps after being restarted?
I was able to use servo sweep example, plug everything right and with servo having its own power supply different from the main board.
I am willing share your knowledge and codes with everybody on youtube. (so noone would have to bother you with this again).
Thank you