How to take value of two variables get with arduino.

How to take value of two variables get with arduino.

You're asking how to parse a URL to extract the URL-encoded fields?

You need to split the string at the '?' and '&' tokens to produce a set of name=value strings, and then split each string at the first = to separate the name and value.

I need to take the correct form submission, and start reading after the?, variable1 = value1, but I have lost the vatalla and do not make it!! I can indicate a mini example.

but I have lost the vatalla and do not make it!

That seems like a real shame. Perhaps if you posted some code instead of complaining...

char c =;
if(reading && c == ' ') reading = false;

if(c == '?') reading = true; //encuentra ?

Then, it's pretty easy yo see what you need to do.

I'd post the whole answer, but that snippet should be sufficient.

with this fragment only read 1, the first parameter to get, but not those who are after the separator &

with this fragment only

you'll get no help. Since hints don't seem to work, I'll make it explicit: POST ALL OF YOUR CODE!

if (client) {
// una peticion http termina con una linea en blanco
boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
boolean sentHeader = false;
server.print(html);//puesta HTML en servidor
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
sentHeader = true;

char c =;
if(reading && c == ' ') reading = false;

if(c == '?') reading = true; //encuentra ? donde inicia la informacion
Serial.print(c);//imprime lo que recibe del cliente


I'd suggest finding a dictionary, and look up the definition of all.