How to turn of buzzer alarm, until it has been dark once more

I am programming an alarm clock, using a grove board, a light sensor, a buzzer and a button.

I want it to work this way:

If it is dark, then no sound
If it is light, then buzzer sounds.
If buzzer sounds, then the buzzer stops, if I press button.
By pressing the button 1 time, the buzzer stops until it has been dark 1 more time in the room.

I dont know how to code the last thing: By pressing the button 1 time, the buzzer stops until it has been dark 1 more time in the room.

I have put my code below:

int lightSensorPin = A0;
int analogValue = 0;
int Buzzer = 3;
int Button = 5;
bool Pressed;

void setup()
pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Button, INPUT);


void loop()
Pressed = digitalRead(Button);
analogValue = analogRead(lightSensorPin);
Serial.println(" ");
delay (1000);

if(analogValue < 100)

digitalWrite(Buzzer, LOW);
Serial.println("Det er mørkt"); // if buzzer is low, monitor writes that it is dark

if(analogValue > 100)

digitalWrite(Buzzer, HIGH);
Serial.println("Det er lyst"); // if buzzer is high, monitor writes that it is light


if (Pressed)
digitalWrite(Buzzer, LOW);
Serial.println("Der er trykket sluk"); // if button is pressed, monitor writes that button has been pressed.



You need to keep track of what state your system is in, look up state machine. What that means in practice here is that you need a byte that you store one of three values in which represent:

  • Waiting for dark
  • Alarm
  • Waiting for light

Use a switch statement to pick code that handles each state. In your case, the code for each should be pretty simple.

If it is dark, then no sound
If it is light, then buzzer sounds.
If buzzer sounds, then the buzzer stops, if I press button.
By pressing the button 1 time, the buzzer stops until it has been dark 1 more time in the room.

To me, that translates to:

When the light changes from DARK to LIGHT, turn on the buzzer.
When the button is pushed, turn off the buzzer.

Although you didn't specify it, I added:
When the light changes from LIGHT to DARK, turn off the buzzer.

const byte lightSensorAIPin = A0;
const byte BuzzerDOPin = 3;
const byte ButtonDIPin = 5;

boolean WasLight = true;

void setup()
  while (!Serial);

  pinMode(BuzzerDOPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ButtonDIPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Wire button between pin and Ground

void loop()
  if (analogRead(lightSensorAIPin) < 100)
    // Now dark
    if (WasLight)
      digitalWrite(BuzzerDOPin, LOW);  // Turn buzzer off
      Serial.println("Det er mørkt");
    WasLight = false;
    // Now light
    if (!WasLight)
      digitalWrite(BuzzerDOPin, HIGH);  // Turn buzzer on
      Serial.println("Det er lyst");
    WasLight = true;

  if (digitalRead(ButtonDIPin) == LOW)  // INPUT_PULLUP = Active Low
    digitalWrite(BuzzerDOPin, LOW);
    Serial.println("Der er trykket sluk");

You need to keep track of what state your system is in, look up state machine. What that means in practice here is that you need a byte that you store one of three values in which represent:

  • Waiting for dark
  • Alarm
  • Waiting for light

I would rearrange them thus:

  • Waiting for dark
  • Waiting for light
  • Alarm

because that is the actual sequence in which they will be used.