how to uninstall Arduino and reinstall

High, noob here.

I am having some trouble with my Arduino (compatible) board, Adafruit M4 Express, but only with the Arduino IDE.

I keep losing the bootloader, and sometimes, the IDE cannot find or identify the USB port.

I have tried many things, but one thing I have not done is to 'reinstall' the Arduino software. I am running Arduino 1.8.12 on a RPi-4B.

I used the terminal, and changed directory to the Arduino 1.8.12 directory and ran
sudo ./

The script runs and returns that the uninstall has been successful, and the desktop icon removed.

Only problem is that the desktop icon is still there, and I can run the IDE!!!

Okay, I know I am doing something wrong, but I do not know what. What I want to try is to completely remove the Arduino software, re-download the latest version,a nd re-install.

Maybe there are other ways that are known to resolve the issue I have had. Unfortunately for whatever reason, Adafruit has been unresponsive, not typical, perhaps they are busy with the business shut down. If that is the case here, I also understand. Stay well, but if you can, please help.

Roger Ayotte