How to upload analog voltage from arduino IDE to thingspeak

hii guys , Im using Intel Galileo Gen2 for IOT project on Arduino IDE.
i already setup ehernet connection on Board. My board is connected to ip address.
i run the webserver program from Arduino liabrary.
can any one tells me how to upload the status of my analog pins of galileo to thingspeak..

please reply me

The answer to your (incorrect) thread title is that you can't. The IDE does not have the ability to connect to thingsqueak.

You CAN make the Arduino send data to thingsqueak.

can any one tells me how to upload the status of my analog pins of galileo to thingspeak..

You can't, if the Arduino is a server. You can, if the Arduino is a client. You say that you are acting as a server.

I haven't tried the Galileo, but there's a good chance that the ThingSpeak Communication Library will work. Visit for more info.

You may need to hack the library information files, since it isn't marked for the Galileo. Just pass it a TCPClient object.
