How to upload these file to my leonardo

i want to upload these files to my leonardo buy idk how to upload this

Hi @sinwonmisang. I'll provide instructions:

  1. Click the link below to open the sketch's GitLab repository in your web browser:
  2. Click the "Download" button you will see on the toolbar:
  3. Click the "zip" button.
    A file download will start.
  4. Wait for the download to finish.
  5. Unzip the downloaded file.
    The file will unzip to a folder named rr_controller-master.
  6. Start Arduino IDE.
  7. Select File > Open from the Arduino IDE menus.
    The "Open" dialog will open.
  8. Open the rr_controller-master folder you unzipped at step (5) of these instructions from the "Open" dialog.
  9. Open the rr_controller subfolder of that rr_controller-master folder.
  10. Select the rr_controller.ino file.
  11. Click the "Open" button.

The "rr_controller" sketch will now open in Arduino IDE. You can now upload it to your Leonardo board just as you would do with any other Arduino sketch.

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