How to upload trained model in arduino nano ble

Hey . I have trained randomforest model.. now i have to upload it in arduino nano ble sense..
Can anyone plz guide me about programming of randomforest for uploading?

Which ML algorithm will be used?

Random forest

As i m creating model.h but when im uploading im finding error as i cant see model name in ky model.h program

is there a randomforest ML library for the BLE?

Yes all the libraries are installed

Then follow the libraries example to upload a model.

I cant find any library of this name in arduino libraries

In post#6 you wrote

So where did the library come from or are you not using a library to do the ML?

So how to upload

upload what?

Did you try searching the internet using the words "how to create an arduino library"?

Im uploading this program.. but finding error in model name

really? pictures of code.

Good luck.

Any idea about error? I cant find solution

What error?

Please read and follow the directions in the "How to get the best out of the forum" post, linked at the head of every forum topic.

I have attached the picture of the error i am facing in uploading model to arduino nano ble..

Yes, you posted a nearly illegible, useless picture showing just part of some error message.

Please read and follow the directions in the "How to get the best out of the forum" post, linked at the head of every forum topic.

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