How to use a blackberry Q10 keyboard with ESP32?


I have managed to build some arduino and esp8266 and esp32 projects using the arduino IDE, but I am just figuring things out by trying, reading/watching tutorials and googeling issues as the come. I am aware that I lack a lot of basic programming skills, but I am not able to learn it all before looking for help. Please just ignore this, if you mind. I certainly I don't expect anyone to solve my problem for me and I don't mind to be pointed in the right direction ("you should read about …") - actually I would love to understand how to best approach my problem:

I have a "Lilygo T-Keyboard" (containing an esp32c3 dev module, a blackberry Q10 keyboard and a small 0.99" TFT display, for which I want to create my own program code. The manufacturer provides some librarys and code examples, from which I am trying to extract the code that only takes input from the keyboard and print the keystokes to the serial monitor as a first step. Unfortunatelly, I don't understand much of what they do in the examples and I am just monkey-coding in the hopes to figure out what works, but so far quite unsucessfull.

This is the code I have so far:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <SPI.h>

#define keyborad_BL_PIN  9

const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_CTRL = 0x80;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_SHIFT = 0x81;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_ALT = 0x82;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_GUI = 0x83;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_CTRL = 0x84;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT = 0x85;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_ALT = 0x86;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_GUI = 0x87;

const uint8_t KEY_UP_ARROW = 0xDA;
const uint8_t KEY_DOWN_ARROW = 0xD9;
const uint8_t KEY_LEFT_ARROW = 0xD8;
const uint8_t KEY_RIGHT_ARROW = 0xD7;
const uint8_t KEY_BACKSPACE = 0xB2;
const uint8_t KEY_TAB = 0xB3;
const uint8_t KEY_RETURN = 0xB0;
const uint8_t KEY_ESC = 0xB1;
const uint8_t KEY_INSERT = 0xD1;
const uint8_t KEY_PRTSC = 0xCE;
const uint8_t KEY_DELETE = 0xD4;
const uint8_t KEY_PAGE_UP = 0xD3;
const uint8_t KEY_PAGE_DOWN = 0xD6;
const uint8_t KEY_HOME = 0xD2;
const uint8_t KEY_END = 0xD5;
const uint8_t KEY_CAPS_LOCK = 0xC1;
const uint8_t KEY_F1 = 0xC2;
const uint8_t KEY_F2 = 0xC3;
const uint8_t KEY_F3 = 0xC4;
const uint8_t KEY_F4 = 0xC5;
const uint8_t KEY_F5 = 0xC6;
const uint8_t KEY_F6 = 0xC7;
const uint8_t KEY_F7 = 0xC8;
const uint8_t KEY_F8 = 0xC9;
const uint8_t KEY_F9 = 0xCA;
const uint8_t KEY_F10 = 0xCB;
const uint8_t KEY_F11 = 0xCC;
const uint8_t KEY_F12 = 0xCD;
const uint8_t KEY_F13 = 0xF0;
const uint8_t KEY_F14 = 0xF1;
const uint8_t KEY_F15 = 0xF2;
const uint8_t KEY_F16 = 0xF3;
const uint8_t KEY_F17 = 0xF4;
const uint8_t KEY_F18 = 0xF5;
const uint8_t KEY_F19 = 0xF6;
const uint8_t KEY_F20 = 0xF7;
const uint8_t KEY_F21 = 0xF8;
const uint8_t KEY_F22 = 0xF9;
const uint8_t KEY_F23 = 0xFA;
const uint8_t KEY_F24 = 0xFB;

const uint8_t KEY_NUM_0 = 0xEA;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_1 = 0xE1;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_2 = 0xE2;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_3 = 0xE3;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_4 = 0xE4;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_5 = 0xE5;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_6 = 0xE6;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_7 = 0xE7;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_8 = 0xE8;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_9 = 0xE9;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_SLASH = 0xDC;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_ASTERISK = 0xDD;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_MINUS = 0xDE;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_PLUS = 0xDF;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_ENTER = 0xE0;
const uint8_t KEY_NUM_PERIOD = 0xEB;

byte rows[] = {0, 3, 18, 12, 11, 6, 7};
const int rowCount = sizeof(rows) / sizeof(rows[0]);

byte cols[] = {1, 4, 5, 19, 13};
const int colCount = sizeof(cols) / sizeof(cols[0]);

bool keys[colCount][rowCount];
bool lastValue[colCount][rowCount];
bool changedValue[colCount][rowCount];

char keyboard[colCount][rowCount];
char keyboard_symbol[colCount][rowCount];

bool symbolSelected;
int OffsetX = 0;
uint16_t flow_i = 0;
bool case_locking = false;
bool alt_active = false;
unsigned long previousMillis_1 = 0; //Millisecond time record
unsigned long previousMillis_2 = 0; //Millisecond time record
const long backlight_off_time = 20000;       //Turn off the screen backlight
const long display_Wait_blue_time = 2000;       //The screen shows waiting for bluetooth connection

void readMatrix();
bool keyPressed(int colIndex, int rowIndex);
bool keyActive(int colIndex, int rowIndex);
bool isPrintableKey(int colIndex, int rowIndex);
void printMatrix();
void clear_sccreen();

void setup() {
  Serial.printf("setup \n");
  keyboard[0][0] = 'q';
  keyboard[0][1] = 'w';
  keyboard[0][2] = NULL; // symbol
  keyboard[0][3] = 'a';
  keyboard[0][4] = NULL; // ALT
  keyboard[0][5] = ' ';
  keyboard[0][6] = NULL; // Mic

  keyboard[1][0] = 'e';
  keyboard[1][1] = 's';
  keyboard[1][2] = 'd';
  keyboard[1][3] = 'p';
  keyboard[1][4] = 'x';
  keyboard[1][5] = 'z';
  keyboard[1][6] = NULL; // Left Shift

  keyboard[2][0] = 'r';
  keyboard[2][1] = 'g';
  keyboard[2][2] = 't';
  keyboard[2][3] = NULL; // Right Shit
  keyboard[2][4] = 'v';
  keyboard[2][5] = 'c';
  keyboard[2][6] = 'f';

  keyboard[3][0] = 'u';
  keyboard[3][1] = 'h';
  keyboard[3][2] = 'y';
  keyboard[3][3] = NULL; // Enter
  keyboard[3][4] = 'b';
  keyboard[3][5] = 'n';
  keyboard[3][6] = 'j';

  keyboard[4][0] = 'o';
  keyboard[4][1] = 'l';
  keyboard[4][2] = 'i';
  keyboard[4][3] = NULL; // Backspace
  keyboard[4][4] = '$';
  keyboard[4][5] = 'm';
  keyboard[4][6] = 'k';

  keyboard_symbol[0][0] = '#';
  keyboard_symbol[0][1] = '1';
  keyboard_symbol[0][2] = NULL;
  keyboard_symbol[0][3] = '*';
  keyboard_symbol[0][4] = NULL;
  keyboard_symbol[0][5] = NULL;
  keyboard_symbol[0][6] = '0';

  keyboard_symbol[1][0] = '2';
  keyboard_symbol[1][1] = '4';
  keyboard_symbol[1][2] = '5';
  keyboard_symbol[1][3] = '@';
  keyboard_symbol[1][4] = '8';
  keyboard_symbol[1][5] = '7';
  keyboard_symbol[1][6] = NULL;

  keyboard_symbol[2][0] = '3';
  keyboard_symbol[2][1] = '/';
  keyboard_symbol[2][2] = '(';
  keyboard_symbol[2][3] = NULL;
  keyboard_symbol[2][4] = '?';
  keyboard_symbol[2][5] = '9';
  keyboard_symbol[2][6] = '6';

  keyboard_symbol[3][0] = '_';
  keyboard_symbol[3][1] = ':';
  keyboard_symbol[3][2] = ')';
  keyboard_symbol[3][3] = NULL;
  keyboard_symbol[3][4] = '!';
  keyboard_symbol[3][5] = ',';
  keyboard_symbol[3][6] = ';';

  keyboard_symbol[4][0] = '+';
  keyboard_symbol[4][1] = '"';
  keyboard_symbol[4][2] = '-';
  keyboard_symbol[4][3] = NULL;
  keyboard_symbol[4][4] = NULL;
  keyboard_symbol[4][5] = '.';
  keyboard_symbol[4][6] = '\'';

  pinMode(keyborad_BL_PIN, OUTPUT);

  for (int x = 0; x < rowCount; x++) {
    Serial.print(rows[x]); Serial.println(" as input");
    pinMode(rows[x], INPUT);

  for (int x = 0; x < colCount; x++) {
    Serial.print(cols[x]); Serial.println(" as input-pullup");
    pinMode(cols[x], INPUT_PULLUP);

  symbolSelected = false;

void readMatrix() {
  int delayTime = 0;
  // iterate the columns
  for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) {
    // col: set to output to low
    byte curCol = cols[colIndex];
    pinMode(curCol, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(curCol, LOW);

    // row: interate through the rows
    for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
      byte rowCol = rows[rowIndex];
      pinMode(rowCol, INPUT_PULLUP);
      delay(1); // arduino is not fast enought to switch input/output modes so wait 1 ms

      bool buttonPressed = (digitalRead(rowCol) == LOW);

      keys[colIndex][rowIndex] = buttonPressed;
      if ((lastValue[colIndex][rowIndex] != buttonPressed)) {
        changedValue[colIndex][rowIndex] = true;
      } else {
        changedValue[colIndex][rowIndex] = false;

      lastValue[colIndex][rowIndex] = buttonPressed;
      pinMode(rowCol, INPUT);

    // disable the column
    pinMode(curCol, INPUT);

  // symbolSelected = !symbolSelected;
  if (keyPressed(0, 2)) {
      symbolSelected = true;

bool keyPressed(int colIndex, int rowIndex) {
  return changedValue[colIndex][rowIndex] && keys[colIndex][rowIndex] == true;

bool keyActive(int colIndex, int rowIndex) {
  return keys[colIndex][rowIndex] == true;

bool isPrintableKey(int colIndex, int rowIndex) {
  return keyboard_symbol[colIndex][rowIndex] != NULL || keyboard[colIndex][rowIndex] != NULL;

void printMatrix() {
  for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
    for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++) {
        // we only want to print if the key is pressed and it is a printable character
        if (keyPressed(colIndex, rowIndex) && isPrintableKey(colIndex, rowIndex)) {
          String toPrint;
          if (symbolSelected) {
            symbolSelected = false;
            toPrint = String(keyboard_symbol[colIndex][rowIndex]);
          } else {
            toPrint = String(keyboard[colIndex][rowIndex]);

        if (keyActive(0, 4)) {
          alt_active = true;
          keys[0][4] = false;

        // keys 1,6 and 2,3 are Shift keys, so we want to upper case
        if (case_locking || keyActive(1, 6)) {

        char c[2];
        strcpy(c, toPrint.c_str());
        previousMillis_1 = millis();

void loop() {
  Serial.println("start loop");
  //Right Shift  ,Toggle case locking
  if (keyPressed(2, 3)) {  
    case_locking = !case_locking;
    Serial.println("Right Shift  ,Toggle case locking");


  // key 3,3 is the enter key
  if (keyPressed(3, 3)) {

  if (keyPressed(4, 3)) {

  if (keyPressed(1, 6)) {

  //alt+left shit, trigger ctrl+shift(Switch the input method)
  if (keyActive(0, 4) && keyPressed(1, 6)) {
      Serial.println("alt+left shit, trigger ctrl+shift(Switch the input method");

It compiles and copies to the board without errors, but the serial monitor shows only this:

14:14:05.918 -> ESP-ROM:esp32c3-api1-20210207
14:14:05.918 -> Build:Feb  7 2021
14:14:05.918 -> rst:0x1 (POWEROESP-ROM:esp32c3-api1-20210207
14:33:17.276 -> Build:Feb  7 2021
14:33:17.276 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0xd (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BO

It looks to me that it crashes very soon afte (or while) booting, since it seems not even to enter the setup function, where it would first


Thanks for any advice!

for a start you are missing Serial.begin()

void setup() {
1 Like

Haha, well, that was easy... :joy:

Thanks much! I can continue with my quest now...

try putting in Serial.println() statement at points in the code to see how far it gets
in particular I am doubtful about using pin GPIO9

pinMode(keyborad_BL_PIN, OUTPUT);

have a look at esp32-pinout-reference-gpios

It actually just worked after adding


I was flooded with my debug messages, but after removing them, I got exactly what I wanted for the first step :slight_smile:

Why would GPIO9 not be suitable? I just took what the vendor used in their examples...

running on a Node MCU ESP-WROOM-32 it crashes on

pinMode(keyborad_BL_PIN, OUTPUT);

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