how to use a relay with 5 pins

I bought a relay , All thought the relay have 4 pins , but mine have 5 pins , here's a picture
is it necessary to use the 5 th pin ? how to use this relay ?

Model of relay? Datasheet?

There's a little picture in the back of your relay (if i see it correctly) but resolution is too low.


Almost all relays are SPDT (5 pin) or DPDT (8 pin).

2 pins for winding, 3 for each switch pole.

the center pin is the common.
the ones closest on either side are to the coil
the ones furtherst away are NO and NC.

the easy way to tell is to look on the bottom.
the C means common
the NO means normally open
the NC means normally closed.

the ends of the swrillly line are to the ends of the coil