How to use avr/io.h Arduino library?


I do not how to use avr/io.h Arduino library.

I am trying a code to convert PWM signals to PPM signal from BuzzsArduinoCode/buzz_8pwm_to_ppm328 at master · davidbuzz/BuzzsArduinoCode · GitHub

The code uses the avr/io.h library. Does the library allow me to change the input or output Arduino pins of different variables?

Below are the url for the codes:
ino code: BuzzsArduinoCode/buzz_8pwm_to_ppm328.ino at master · davidbuzz/BuzzsArduinoCode · GitHub
h code:
BuzzsArduinoCode/PPM_Encoder.h at master · davidbuzz/BuzzsArduinoCode · GitHub

Please help me. Thanks for your time.


Does the library allow me to change the input or output Arduino pins of different variables?

It is not a library. It is a collector that #includes a bunch of other header files.