How to use bluetooth in co-processor's sketch

I tried the sample code in ArduinoBLE.
And it works well when I select M7 as the target core, but if I select M4 as the target core, BLE.begin() will always return 0 (false).
So is it possible to use the co-processor to handle bluetooth on Giga?

So, despite my (deleted) recommendation of using a delay before begin() it looks like begin() still does not work - I was using the RGB LED's to give me an indication of progress and got a false positive.

Edit. In fact BLE.begin() crashes as it does not even return a 0.

Tested using:

  // begin initialization
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);          // will turn the LED ON
  if (!BLE.begin()) {
    //Serial.println("starting Bluetooth® Low Energy module failed!");
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);          // will keep the LED ON
    while (1);
 digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);          // just to make doubly sure the LED is still ON

Result: LED still turns off after 2 seconds

It seems that BLE.begin() is using Serial, but co-processor can not access any Serials.

It appears so.

In order to make all relevant information available to any who are interested in this subject, I'll share a link to @gerrikoio's related report here:

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