Hello everyone, how do I use different spi pins, I want to connect an nrf24l01 and a 1.8-inch TFT screen, and they both require spi pins, I want to set spi pins for the nrf24l01 and spi pins for the 1.8-inch TFT screen. (I am using Arduino Nano). Can I connect both of their spi pins to the same pin of the Arduino nano spi pins (11, 12,13) I can only choose different ce and csn pins for the nrf24l01.
Is there a way to change the spi pins for the nrf24l01?
The SPI bus is shared.
All devices connect to the same MOSI, MISO and CLK.
Each device gets their individual CS which is how you select which one you're talking to.
so I can connect the miso, mosi, sck pins of the display and the nrf24l01 to the same pins?
Okay thanks.
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