How to use DS18B20

Dear All,

I am a Beginner of Arduino.
I have a project for control temperature for three zones.
I know I can use PWM function for control SSR, and I will try to learn how to develop PID function.
But now, I would like to know how to use the DS18B20 sensor library.
I know Arduino have a library for this sensor and canbe connect many sensors together.
I have two queastions:

  1. Because all sensor are connected in parallel, How can I know which one will assign for 0? Is this will be change after next power on?

  2. If one of sensor out of order after long time working, is this will change the order number of other old sensors after I changed new sensor?

Thank you!

The best way to go is here

note that there are two programmes to use, one to initially sniff the address and the other to use the sensor.

Dear Nick,

Thank you! The information was very usefull.