How to use E62-433T30D with arduino?

Hey guys, I am doing a project which uses two-way communication i.e data can receive and transmits at the same time with a pair of transceivers. so, I choose the wireless module E62-433T30D which is a full-duplex module as per the datasheet and also mentioned it used TDD(Time division multiplexing) which leads to a full-duplex mechanism, Here it is a bit confusing I need to send the data in the time intervals or continuous if I need to send in interval how can I implement a mechanism that can send and receive the data?

Find the datasheet of the module below

E62-433T30D_Usermanual_EN_v1.2.pdf (1.29 MB)

More study of the data sheet is indicated! There is a pin that tells you if the internal 256 byte buffer is full or not full. So, send data unless the pin indicates a full buffer, then wait until not-full.
