How to use GPIO 16 as an output on the ESP32 camera without disturbing the camera stream?

I need to use GPIO 16 in my project but I can't use it without interfering with the camera

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If you look at the schematic for the ESP32CAM you will see that GPIO16 is the PSRAM select for the ESP32CAM and whilst you could use that IO pin for other stuff picture size would then be limited to 800x600, since larger images require the use of the PSRAM.

I'm use 640x480

So if I don't need PSRAM for the resolution I'm using, how can I use the stream without it in the code without making the ESP reboot?

No idea, try it and find out.

Checking further I discovered that my stream is using psram.
The way I found was to use GPIO 1 as an output and stop using the serial.

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