I need to setup a logitech joystick for an arduino. I already written code to control the arduino dc motors using wsad and 1,2,3,4,5 so I was hoping to map the logitech joystick to the keyboard. I have found very little online so any help would be appreciated.
what model you have?
USB, Bluetooth
you must put more information so we can help you!
Here is the model:
It just plugs into the usb. I currently have a arduino uno, motor shield, but I do not have a usb shield which I have seen some people use. Thanks!
hmm without USB shield
there is 2 potentiometer for the joystick, what about using it directly, open your device and connect it like this
Hmm. I don't think my boss would appreciate his joystick being taken apart haha. I think I will just go with the usb shield then. Thanks!!!
hi, im currently working on a project basically the same as this... did you end up getting it working?
I use the exact same joystick to control a home made Arduino RC plane. I was able to take it apart and use the potentiometers and connect them to the Arduino.
I really think this is the way to go. It may not be possible to communicate via usb with the joystick.