How to use RTC_DS3231 library in my custom class

Hi Dudes,

I'm just trying use RTC_DS3231 in my class. why means in my project I'm turning on/off motor based on time and it will run for configured time duration. So for calculating it I'm using RTC_DS3231.


////// RTC.h

#ifndef _RTC_h
#define _RTC_h

#include "RTCLib.h"

class RTC
int CurrentHour, CurrentMinute, CurrentDay;
void SetNewTime(DateTime newTime);
void UpdateCurrentTime();
String GetDisplayTime();
RTC_DS3231 rtc;


/// RTC.cpp

#include "RTC.h"

if (!rtc.begin())
Serial.println("Couldn't find RTC");
while (1);

void RTC::SetNewTime(DateTime newTime)
/*if (rtc.lostPower())
Serial.println("RTC lost power, lets set the time!");

// following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled
rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(DATE), F(TIME)));

// This line sets the RTC with an explicit date & time
// Example format (Year(2019), Month(5), Day(30), Hour(11), Minute(36), Second(0))

void RTC::UpdateCurrentTime()
DateTime now =;


CurrentHour = now.hour();
CurrentMinute = now.minute();
CurrentDay =;

String RTC::GetDisplayTime()
String displayTime = "";

if (CurrentHour < 10)
displayTime = "0" + String(CurrentHour);
displayTime = String(CurrentHour);

if (CurrentMinute < 10)
displayTime += "0" + String(CurrentMinute);
displayTime += String(CurrentMinute);
return displayTime;

//// Main

#include <Wire.h>
#include "RTCLib.h"
#include "RTC.h"

RTC rtc;

#define Motor D1

int motorOnHour, motorOnMinute, motorOffHour, motorOffMinute = 0;

int motorOnTimeout = 15;

void setup()

void loop()




void CalculateMotorOffTime()
motorOnHour = rtc.CurrentHour;
motorOnMinute = rtc.CurrentMinute;

motorOffMinute = motorOnMinute + motorOnTimeout;

motorOffHour = rtc.CurrentHour;

Serial.println("Motor Off Time :" + String(motorOffHour) + ":" + String(motorOffMinute));

if (motorOffMinute >= 60)
motorOffMinute = motorOffMinute - 60;

motorOffHour = motorOnHour + 1;

if (motorOffHour >= 24)
motorOffHour = 0;

Serial.println("Motor Off Time :" + String(motorOffHour) + ":" + String(motorOffMinute));

void CheckMotorOffTimout()
if (rtc.CurrentHour >= motorOffHour && rtc.CurrentMinute >= motorOffMinute)

void MotorOn()
digitalWrite(Motor, HIGH);

void MotorOff()
digitalWrite(Motor, LOW);

RTC.cpp:1: In file included from

Error compiling project sources
RTC.h: 9:18: error: 'DateTime' has not been declared
Build failed for project 'Test1'
void SetNewTime(DateTime newTime)

RTC.h: 11:2: error: 'String' does not name a type
String GetDisplayTime()

RTC.h: 12:2: error: 'RTC_DS3231' does not name a type
RTC_DS3231 rtc
RTC.cpp: In constructor RTC::RTC()

RTC.cpp: 5:7: error: 'rtc' was not declared in this scope
if (!rtc.begin())

RTC.cpp: 7:3: error: 'Serial' was not declared in this scope
Serial.println("Couldnt find RTC")
RTC.cpp: At global scope

RTC.cpp: 12:22: error: variable or field 'SetNewTime' declared void
void RTC*: SetNewTime(DateTime newTime)

RTC.cpp: 12:22: error: 'DateTime' was not declared in this scope

Please tell me how to write a library or class that is using RTC_DS3231. Or any other way to achieve this?

Your code is incomplete. Post a complete code that compiles or at least compiles with the same errors that you're seeing. USE CODE TAGS. If you don't know what that means read: Read this before posting a programming question ... - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum BEFORE posting again. Especially Item #6.

Post complete error messages verbatim not crap like "its throwing error like RTC_DS3231..."

Your code is incomplete. Post a complete code that compiles or at least compiles with the same errors that you're seeing. USE CODE TAGS. If you don't know what that means read: Read this before posting a programming question ... - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum BEFORE posting again. Especially Item #6.

Post complete error messages verbatim not crap like "its throwing error like RTC_DS3231..."

Sorry dude, i thought the program was to large that's why i skipped the main program. anyway thanks for you reply.

And a tip, give your library and class a bit more complex name. Having ambiguous names is asking for trouble with other (badly written) libraries.

Still no code tags.