How to use the code for UNO/NANO

So I've been trying to make a project which would use SIM800L to triangulate cell tower location and give the location of the device. This is the code I'm using

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "Adafruit_FONA.h"

#define FONA_RST 4

// this is a large buffer for replies
char replybuffer[255];

HardwareSerial *fonaSerial = &Serial1; // Use the Serial1 on the Xadow Board

Adafruit_FONA fona = Adafruit_FONA(FONA_RST);

uint8_t readline(char *buff, uint8_t maxbuff, uint16_t timeout = 0);

void setup() {
  while (!Serial);
  Serial.println(F("Initializing....(May take 3 seconds)"));

  fonaSerial->begin(115200);                                  // The SIM800L module auto detects the baud rate, but works really well with 115200
  if (! fona.begin(*fonaSerial)) {
    Serial.println(F("Couldn't find SIM800L"));
  Serial.println(F("SIM800L is OK"));

  // Print SIM card IMEI number.
  char imei[15] = {0}; // MUST use a 16 character buffer for IMEI!
  uint8_t imeiLen = fona.getIMEI(imei);
  if (imeiLen > 0) {
    Serial.print("SIM card IMEI: "); Serial.println(imei);

// Configure APN Settings for TING - please change for your network

char fonaInBuffer[64]; 

void loop() {
  Serial.print(F("FONA> "));
  while (! Serial.available() ) {
    if (fona.available()) {
  char phone[32] = {0};
    Serial.print(F("Phone Number: "));
    if(phone == AUTHORIZED)
  char* bufPtr = fonaInBuffer;    //handy buffer pointer
  if (fona.available())      //any data available from the SIM800L?
    int slot = 0;            //this will be the slot number of the SMS
    int charCount = 0;
    //Read the notification into fonaInBuffer
    do  {
      *bufPtr =;
    } while ((*bufPtr++ != '\n') && (fona.available()) && (++charCount < (sizeof(fonaInBuffer)-1)));
    //Add a terminal NULL to the notification string
    *bufPtr = 0;
    //Scan the notification string for an SMS received notification.
    //  If it's an SMS message, we'll get the slot number in 'slot'
    if (1 == sscanf(fonaInBuffer, "+CMTI: \"SM\",%d", &slot)) {
      Serial.print("slot: "); Serial.println(slot);
      char callerIDbuffer[32];  //we'll store the SMS sender number in here
      // Retrieve SMS sender address/phone number.
      if (! fona.getSMSSender(slot, callerIDbuffer, 31)) {
        Serial.println("Didn't find SMS message in slot!");
      Serial.print(F("FROM: ")); Serial.println(callerIDbuffer);
      if(callerIDbuffer == AUTHORIZED) {
        //Send back an automatic response
        Serial.println("Sending reponse...");
        if (!fona.enableGPRS(true))  
         Serial.println(F("Failed to turn on"));
        uint16_t returncode;
        if (!fona.getGSMLoc(&returncode, replybuffer, 250))
        if (returncode == 0) {
        } else {
          Serial.print(F("Fail code #")); Serial.println(returncode);
        if (!fona.sendSMS(callerIDbuffer, replybuffer)) {
        } else {
        if (!fona.enableGPRS(true))  
          Serial.println(F("Failed to turn on")); 

The above program was designed for Arduino Leonard but I would like to use it on UNO/NANO as well. Not surprislingly there was a compilation error, when I changed the boards in IDE

Build options changed, rebuilding all
FSW6TK4IE7J93K9:10: error: 'Serial1' was not declared in this scope

 HardwareSerial *fonaSerial = &Serial1; // Use the Serial1 on the Xadow Board


exit status 1
'Serial1' was not declared in this scope

What changes do I have to make? Noob here! Thanks in advance!

You are #including the SoftwareSerial library but you never create an instance of it. Is that deliberate ?

I've changed the serial1 to serial and it seems compile but I'm still not able to get the lat and long. I'm getting the following.

So now you are using the same serial interface to communicate with the SIM800L and the Serial monitor at the same time.

Why not declare an instance of SoftSerial and use that for the SIM800L leaving the hardware serial interface available for use by the Serial monitor.

Right now I'm on Nano using the hardware serial pins for communication. At that baud rate will the software serial thing work?

Right now I'm on Nano using the hardware serial pins for communication. At that baud rate will the software serial thing work?

At 115200 ? No