How to use two GY-BNO055 with the same i2c direction

Hey everyone!!! I need help here I´m trying to use two BNO055 on a proyect but when I run a i2c scanner it tells me that both have the same direction of 0x29. What can I do about this WITHOUT having to buy a i2c multiplexor. Is there a way I can change the direction or how can I work with them?? Thanks ahead for the help :). Here's the code that works with one sensor connected to the Arduino UNO.

BN055_CODE.ino (2.46 KB)

It is called the I2C address, not direction.

Look at this Adafruit tutorial. In the Other Pins section is tells how to use the ADR pin to set the alternate I2C address.

After you change one unit to the alternate address, run the I2C scanner again and use the addresses reported by the scanner.

Does it matter that my BNO055 aren't Adafruit?? They are GY, but thank you!!!

The ADR pin should work the same if it is available on your module, Adafruit or not.

I was checking my sensor and it doesn´t. It has one called ADO, and I can´t find any documentation or datasheets about it, only about the Adafruit model.