How to voltage drops 5v to 3.3v

Hi guys, How do I drop the voltage 5v to 3.3v for ESP32. Please can I get easy and better idea?

Signal or power?


Welcome to the forum

Which voltage do you want to drop ?
Where does this voltage come from ?


Better than what ?

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For detecting digital signals where you need just the voltage and a minimal current of 0,5mA a voltage-divider is sufficient.

For powering anything even a super-low-current sensor a voltage-diver is unsuitable
This requires a voltage-regulator
either a linear one like L78 3.3
or a really small DC-DC stepdown-converter

Depending on how much current you need it must be a medium size DC-DC-converter
an ESP32 should be supplied with a power-supply that is able to at least 300 mA because WiFi sending causes high current-spikes much higher than the average 50mA an ESP32 draws

best regards Stefan

Thank you Stefan

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