Hello, I am currently in the process of building a kegbot, and was wondering how I could wire a SF800 flowmeter into a kegboard-mini shield. Traditionally people use these things called keg coasters, and wire the flowmeter into the kegcoaster, but I wanted to directly wire into the kegboard-mini shield, bypassing the need of the coaster. There are three wires that branch off the flowmeter. One has a red stripe on it, and I believe that is GND, the middle wire is the one that sends the pulses back to the Arduino, and I put green heat shrink tubing on it to identify it. The last wire I believe requires 5VDC to complete the circuit and power the flowmeter.
Once I get this wired up, I would like to test out the flowmeter, and I came across this thread using the flowmeter with an Arduino. Any help would be greatly appreciated.