How do I wire the coil pins on my 8-pin relay?
Relay I am using:
I have done extensive searching but am confused as to whether I wire 2 to 7 or them to something else...
Thanks in advance.
Hi I was wondering about the coil the tutorials say goes from 2 to 7 on my 8 pin relay. I saw an inductor tutorial and wondered if I could just buy an inductor (or make one) and put that in my wiring of 2-7.
Sorry about this being my second post.
What's the goal?
Just to wire my 8 pin relay to motor.I was just wondering what it means by wiring a coil from 2 to 7
A relay like this?
The coil is the relay coil. It is part (inside) of the relay, not something to be added.
A relay like this?The coil is the relay coil. It is part (inside) of the relay, not something to be added.
Yes, like that, thanks for your help.So I guess I just pass electricity through 1 or 8 thanks for all the help.
That means that the coil of the relative is connected (inside the relay) to those pins.
Apply power across those pins to turn on the relay (note that you need a transistor to switch power to the pins. The coil current is too high for an i/o pin and will damage the arduino if you try it). You also need a diode between those pins with the band towards the positive side to clamp the voltage spike generated when you turn it off, otherwise the coil will trash the transistor (you need this when using a transistor to switch a DC motor too)
Thanks for the help!