How to wire L293N for running speaker

Hi all,

New to electronics and working on hobby project. I am following a circuit diagram I found online where an L298N/L293N motor driver is used to drive an array of speakers. I have some issues with figuring out the following:

  1. I have assumed I can regard a speaker array as one (1) motor and only need to have motor A active for this (not motor B), is this correct?
  2. Does anyone know if IN1/IN2 should be wired as GND/5V or 5V/GND?

Many thanks for any and all help!

A link to the page where you found your circuit diagram would be useful.

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That's weird. The speaker may be an inductive load but it is NOT a motor and at the very least it's a very bad idea to run DC through it. Why not use an audio amplifier for example one of the PAM series. There are many useful but also very stupid things on the Internet, and even some dangerous ones. Do not take everything written as necessarily true.


I would think it would be bettor to set enable high and drive IN1/IN2 with complimentary PWM signals. That way you don'r have DC going through the speaker and you get twice the power.

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I do not use that part and am not very familiar with it but If I understand what you are saying as long as there is a PWM the OP will not have DC on the speaker but what happens if the PWM is stopped?

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Below is the circuit diagram. It can also be found at 1.18 of this YouTube video:

L298 or L293
Which one??
They are different!

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L293 to drive speakers makes sense, L298 not so much.

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Please, study the following Truth Table with the help of Fig-1, Fig-2:

ENA  IN1  IN2      Function
5V   5V   0V       Forward Rotation
5V   0V   5V       Reverse Rotation
5V   PWM  0V       Variable speed at Forward Rotation



Connect 12V supply between 12V and GND; audio signal across IN1-GND; speaker across OUT1-OUT2. Leave the onboard ENA, ENB, and 5V jumpers as they are.

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Sorry for the confusion!

So one suggestion I have found is the circuit diagram above using the L293DNE, as in the diagram above. But I have also found one instruction for using the L298N:

Wow, great, thanks for the informative reply! If i use L293D, how would I go about it then?

So one suggestion I have found is the circuit diagram above using the L293DNE, as in the diagram above. But I have also found one instruction for using the L298N:

Either one will work, no big difference

First, finish working with L298N Driver and then come with L293D driver which is a shiled and directly goes over the UNO Board. The operation of L293D board is a bit diffrent/complicated than L298N

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