How to write to I2C MCP4716

I'm trying to write to the 0x00 I2C register in the MCP4716 but I'm way lost trying to build the command link because it needs to right/left shift the bits and I don't understand it.

You may even be able to create code to access the MCP4716 via I2C, but I believe that using its library will make the code simpler.
Use the example that comes with the library to test.

(GitHub - jdpetticrew/MCP4716_Arduino: An Arduino Library to control a MCP4716 10bit DAC via i2c.)

I'm using this in ESP-IDF and I've had problems in the past integrating Arduino libraries to it.
It seems simple and I already have all the i2c code to write to it, I'm just missing how to write the packets with the right shift