I'm running into a problem with the IDE because i have the horrible habit of highlighting code to read it, and then I accidentally end up dragging that chunk of code somewhere else in the project. Obviously if I see it happen I can Ctrl-Z to undo it, but can this be disabled anywhere? And yes, I probably should train myself to read code without highlighting it first, but until I do... I prefer the Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V method of moving blocks of code around.
Press the Ctrl+Shift+P keyboard shortcut (Command+Shift+P for macOS users) to open the "Command Palette".
A menu will appear on the editor toolbar:
Select the "Preferences: Open Settings (UI)" command from the menu. ⓘ You can scroll down through the list of commands to find it or type the name in the field.
A "Preferences" tab will open in the Arduino IDE main panel.
Type editor.dragAndDrop in the "Search Settings" field of the "Preferences" tab.
Uncheck the box under the "Editor: Drag And Drop" setting.