I'm making something almost identical to this using the HT1632C along with this library. I messed up the construction of my matrix (mixed up the anodes and cathodes), so my rows are now columns and vice versa, resulting in everything being rotated by 90° (but accurate).
My code is identical to the examples in the library and I'm at wits end trying to find a programmatic solution. I really don't want to take the matrix apart. Here's what I've tried (from other suggestions):
- Reverse the x and y in HT1632C.h on the following line:
#define GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(_x,_y) ((_x)*2+(_y)/4)
This did not result in anything productive and generally messed up everything.
- Reverse the x and y in HT1632C.cpp in the drawText function
This resulted in the text scrolling in the right direction but it was still had a rotated orientation. - Reverse the x and y in the drawImage function
Depending on where I changed things, this either has no effect or the same effect as the first point.
I feel pretty strongly that the fix is in the drawImage function but I'm just not seeing it. Any suggestions?
EDIT: The drawImage function is below
void HT1632Class::drawImage(const char * img, char width, char height, char x, char y, int offset){
char length = width*height/4;
char mask;
// Sanity checks
if(y + height < 0 || x + width < 0 || y > COM_SIZE || x > OUT_SIZE)
// After looking at the rest of this function, you may need one.
// Copying Engine.
// You are not expected to understand this.
for(char i=0; i<width; ++i) {
char carryover_y = 0; // Simply a copy of the last 4-bit word of img.
char carryover_num = (y - (y & ~ 3)); // Number of digits carried over
bool carryover_valid = false; // If true, there is data to be carried over.
char loc_x = i + x;
if(loc_x < 0 || loc_x >= OUT_SIZE) // Skip this column if it is out of range.
for(char j=0; j < (carryover_valid ? (height+4):height) ; j+=4) {
char loc_y = j + y;
if(loc_y <= -4 || loc_y >= COM_SIZE) // Skip this row if it is out of range.
// Direct copying possible when render is on boundaries.
// The bit manipulation here is designed to copy from img only the relevant sections.
// This mask is only not used when emptying the cache (for copying to non-4-bit aligned spaces)
// mask = (height-loc_y >= 4)?0b00001111:(0b00001111 >> (4-(height-j))) & 0b00001111; // Mask bottom
if(loc_y % 4 == 0) {
mask = (height-loc_y >= 4)?0b00001111:(0b00001111 >> (4-(height-j))) & 0b00001111;
mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] = (mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] & (~mask) & 0b00001111) | (img[(int)ceil((float)height/4.0f)*i + j/4 + offset] & mask) | MASK_NEEDS_REWRITING;
} else {
// If carryover_valid is NOT true, then this is the first set to be copied.
// If loc_y > 0, preserve the contents of the pixels above, copy to mem, and then copy remaining
// data to the carry over buffer. If y loc_y < 0, just copy data to carry over buffer.
// It is expected that this section is only reached when j == 0.
if(!carryover_valid) {
if(loc_y > 0) {
mask = (height-loc_y >= 4)?0b00001111:(0b00001111 >> (4-(height-j))) & 0b00001111; // Mask bottom
mask = (0b00001111 << carryover_num) & mask; // Mask top
mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] = (mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] & (~mask) & 0b00001111) | ((img[(int)ceil((float)height/4.0f)*i + j/4 + offset] << carryover_num) & mask) | MASK_NEEDS_REWRITING;
carryover_valid = true;
} else {
if(j >= height) {
// Its writing one line past the end.
// Use this line to get rid of the final carry-over.
mask = (0b00001111 >> (4 - carryover_num)) & 0b00001111; // Mask bottom
mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] = (mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] & (~mask) & 0b00001111) | (carryover_y >> (4 - carryover_num) & mask) | MASK_NEEDS_REWRITING;
} else {
// There is data in the carry-over buffer. Copy that data and the values from the current cell into mem.
// The inclusion of a carryover_num term is to account for the presence of the carryover data when calculating the bottom clipping.
mask = (height-loc_y >= 4)?0b00001111:(0b00001111 >> (4-(height+carryover_num-j))) & 0b00001111; // Mask bottom
mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] = (mem[_tgtBuffer][GET_ADDR_FROM_X_Y(loc_x,loc_y)] & (~mask) & 0b00001111) | ((img[(int)ceil((float)height/4.0f)*i + j/4 + offset] << carryover_num) & mask) | (carryover_y >> (4 - carryover_num) & mask) | MASK_NEEDS_REWRITING;
carryover_y = img[(int)ceil((float)height/4.0f)*i + j/4 + offset];