Hang out and watch how many people dump AI junk they know nothing about here and say, "fix it because my diploma depends on it" and end with learning nothing, and the humans code dump just to get them gone.
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Well that isn't me is it.
I asked in here, I researched extensively online and never got a result. One of my problems I was 3 days on before AI fixed it.
So... I used AI and it fixed the problem for me.
I'm not saying it's infallible or perfect. To me it's just another resource.
I have not posted the result due to the AI hate in here, which is fine by me.
So my problem is resolved and as far as I can tell I have not posted any AI results in here to offend anyone.
I can't be held responsible for what other people post.
So, I say get over it. At least with AI, I don't have to put up with all the moaning that bounces around in here