HTML5 web based MP3 player using Nework shield with SD Card

Hi all,

This project is a web based MP3 audio player using HTML5 and all work fine with PHP/Jquery/WAMP localhost stack.

Now, what I am trying to accomplish is havig all the project and files serverd off of the built in SD Card of the Network shield to be a stand-alone remote-network accessible mp3 player.

The files all load properly into the arduino network server including the mp3 files, but then the MP3 files fail to playback with this error:

All candidate resources failed to load. Media load paused.
GET [0ms]
All candidate resources failed to load. Media load paused.
GET [0ms]
All candidate resources failed to load. Media load paused.

Source code toolong for a paste here, so the whole project without the MP3 files is attached in a zip file for your offline review.

The ZIP file includes error screen shots, serial logs and all the HTML/CSS/JS files that need to be on the SD Card minus the large MP3s.

Any guide is highly appreciated.


MassaM (215 KB)

I seriously doubt that an Arduino has the speed to serve an MP3 at anything approaching a playable rate. Are you sure you're not just timing out the other end?

yes, it is in deed a timeout issue and as I don't have any other edition/type of Arduino board and that this test was done using the Arduino Uno, I wish to ask if any reader here could have other Arduino boards to test this with, I'd appreciate their time and feedback.